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Specify the industry that best represents the focus or sector of the blog post. Think broadly about the market area you operate in.

Examples: Finance, Education, Fashion, Real Estate, Hospitality, Technology, Healthcare, Retail.
Indicate the specific profession or area of expertise relevant to the blog post topic. This helps tailor the voice and depth of knowledge needed.

Examples: Financial Adviser, Teacher, Retail Store Manager, Real Estate Agent, IT Consultant, Chef, Personal Trainer.
(This will also dictate audience location ie Australian English, will speak to an Australian audience, UK English, will speak to a UK audience, and US English will speak to US audience.)
Describe the primary audience for this blog post. This could include demographic details (age, gender, location) or specific traits or interests. Consider the level of expertise they might have on the topic and any particular needs or goals.

Examples: Young adults aged 20-30, health-conscious professionals, women over 40, first-time home buyers, parents, or small business owners.
Provide a clear and concise topic or title idea for the blog post. Describe what you want the article to communicate to the audience, as well as any specific aspects you’d like covered.

Examples: “The 6 Benefits of Regular Exercise for Mental Health” , “How Small Business Owners Can Maximise Their Tax Returns”, or “A Guide to Choosing the Right Carpet for Rental Properties.”
List any URL links that you would like to appear in the article. Comma separated each URL. i.e. yourwebsite.com.au, mysecondURL.com.au
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